Preparing Your House to Sell
In today’s age of consumerism, every buyer is comparative shopping. Make a small investment in time, money and effort to give your House a solid advantage over competing properties. Pay attention to detail now because first impressions count with buyers. You only have one chance and it starts with curb appeal.
- Turn on lights
- Turn on air conditioner/heater
- Open the drapes
- Light the fireplace
Exterior Appearance:
- Keep lawns cut
- Trim hedges and shrubs
- Weed and edge gardens
- Clear driveway and clean up oil spills
- Clean out garage
- Touch up paint
- Pressure wash
- Make repairs where needed
Create Space:
- Clear halls and stairs of clutter
- Store surplus furniture
- Clear kitchen counter and stove top
- Clear closets of unnecessary clothing
- Remove empty boxes and containers
- Repair leaking taps and toilets
- Clean furnace and filters
- Tighten door knobs and latches
- Repair cracked plaster
Touch up paint
- Clean and repair windows
- Repair seals around tubs and basins
- Replace defective light bulbs
- Oil squeaking doors
- Repair squeaking floor boards
Squeaky Clean:
- Clean and freshen bathrooms
- Clean fridge and stove (in and out)
- Clean around heating vents
- Clean washer and dryer
- Clean carpets, drapes and window blinds
At The Front Door:
- Clean porch and foyer
- Ensure door bell works
- Repair screen on door
- Fresh paint or varnish front door
- Repair door locks and key access